While working on the concept for a magazine concept with this guy, we began to have a little argument about children.
I had suggested an image of a cute kid (above) and he immediately told me that that kid was “too cute to be Kenyan”. So we got into a little discussion about what Kenyan children really look like.
This inevitably became a question that was too difficult for our meagre minds. So we turned to the all knowing, all savvy, Google images. This is what we found:
Fairly accurate. But someone immediately pointed out that they wondered how accurate this would be for other countries/regions. Below are the findings from our exercise.
European children are worldly and happy.
American children are diverse.
African children are hopeful and need help.
Asian kids do cute sh*t.
French children are stylish.
Praying and Playing. :)
Japanese kids love school.
Egypt is still largely documented by hieroglyphs.lol
Libyan kids are peace loving patriots
It gets a little sad when you start going into other African countries.
I’m somewhat surprised to see South Africa have such a dark results page. South African children have always been inspiring to me.
Anyway, this was a fairly random but somewhat insightful pet project that I thought I’d share.
Try it out and see how true it may or may not turn out to be.